Valentina o la serenidad
Valentina o la serenidad: Valentina is nine years old, uses a rag from the house as a cape and becomes a superheroine with powers over the wind, the earth and the trees. But an unexpected event devastates her: her father dies in an accident and she must deal with his absence: recognize death and relearn the life she leads, despite that death.
Director: Ángeles Cruz
Genre: Drama, Peliplay, Peliplayhd, Peliplus
Tags: peliculashd, peliplay, peliplayhd, Peliplushd, pelisplay, pelisplus
Cast: Alexander Gadiel Mendoza Sánchez, Danae Ahuja Aparicio, Diego Sánchez López, Dunia Valentina Cruz Mendoza, Elza Aimee Sánchez Cruz, Emily Nicole Cuevas Miguel, Fernanda Mendoza Cuevas, Gerardo Cruz Sánchez, Juan Carlos Cuevas Mateos, Miguel Daniel Sánchez López, Myriam Bravo, Nicolás Tolentino Ortiz